Willow is a fighter! She has cerebellar hypoplasia, epilepsy, and asthma. She is our miracle cat, the sweetest, and the most motherly.

Placed 2nd

in the Quarter-finals

Thank you for supporting Willow in this year's competition. Your participation allows us to aid PAWS in their mission to help cats, dogs, and wild animals thrive in happy, healthy homes or in their natural habitats.

What's your cat’s favorite toy and/or go-to treat?

Willow’s favorite toy is her disco ball because she loves chasing the light that reflects off of it on to the floor and walls.

What is your favorite thing about your cat?

Willow is a rare dilute calico and her fur is extra fluffy. Willow also has two different color eyes and sometimes it can be very prominent.

Why should your cat be America’s Favorite?

We need to bring more recognition and understanding for cats with Cerebellar Hypoplasia. Willow is a testament that the strength in CH cats is strong. She has been through a lot with her health and we would love to see something rewarding happen for her!