

Bat is fiery, energetic boy who also has the biggest heart. He completes everyone.

Currently 12th

in the Semi-Finals

You decide who will be featured on the cover of Modern Cat and win $10,000

Voting for the Final 14 ends March 6th at 7PM PST

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What's your cat’s favorite toy and/or go-to treat?

Bat loves playing with his toys but more importantly any plastic he can find to chew on. Bat loves to eat hard kibble and pretends he likes wet food.

What is your favorite thing about your cat?

I love how much personality he has and how attentive he is. He follows everyone in the house around and will open doors if you shut them in his face.

Why should your cat be America’s Favorite?

Bat is a treasure, he came from a very hard life and has turned into such a wonderful and beautiful cat. He has the most personality I’ve seen in a cat and truly knows how special he is.

Vote for Bat to be America's Favorite Pet with a tax-deductible donation supporting in their mission to help sick, injured, and orphaned animals. Limited-time: donation votes are doubled until Tuesday at 9PM PST.

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