Beau was found living on the streets by Detroit Animal Control. We adopted him 2 years ago. He is very sweet & loves snuggles.
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Beau likes his fox toy and squeaky space ship the most of all. Chewy treats are always a hit.
He is very gentle, patient and loving with my children. He always watches me and follows me everywhere. He always enjoys snuggling and doesn't mind being covered with a blanket due to his short fur. He's just happy to be here.
Pit bulls have gotten a bad rap because the wrong people with bad intentions have trained their pit bulls to be aggressive. This happens with other breeds as well, but more so with pit bulls because they are incredibly strong. The true nature of pit bulls can be seen in Beau. Pit bulls are amazing family dogs. They're very gentle, affectionate and eager to please. This is why Beau should be America's favorite.
Help Beau be the next America's Favorite Pet with a tax-deductible donation supporting in their mission to help sick, injured, and orphaned animals.