Bentley is 13 weeks old. Loves attention from all. He is a very lovable puppy. 🐶
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What is America's Favorite Pet?
Learn MoreBentley has an a teddybear which he absolutely loves to play with. Although he has many toys that is by far his favorite because it’s soft as a puppy. His favorite treat is puperoni beef sticks. He loves to learn new things just to earn treats.
My favorite thing about my puppy is everything about him. His cuddles, kisses, and softness is the best. Let alone how well he listens for as young as he is. He learns and catches on very fast. I love how much he’s there for my hubby. He needs a heart transplant and Bentley has became his best friend. They walk along side by side and play everyday. Bentley has changed our lives. He is family.
My puppy should be America’s Favorite because he is so cute and lovable. He will follow his commands and he just loves all the love and attention he gets from everyone. He is a people lover whom loves all. He loves children as well and is very good with kids. His daddy needed him as his companion and boy do they get along just perrrrfect as daddy’s home with him all day long. They always said a dog is a man’s best friend. Welp that is true! How could you not just love his cuteness and his face.
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