Dixie is a 12 week old mini dachshund, her color is an Isabella Piebald smooth coat. She is a 5 lb. bundle of energy and love!
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Any small squeaky toy, but she especially loves her "skelly bean" that came in the Halloween Bark Box!
I love her color, I love how curious and playful she is. But most of all, I love how she'll crawl up on me and lay her face on mine. It's like she's giving me a dachshund hug! ❤️
Because I feel like she has the qualities that everyone loves in their dog. Irresistibly cute, unconditional love, smart, and funny with her puppy antics. Her face just melts me. I think it's hard to pick one dog because everyone thinks their dog is the best. I am no exception though, to me, Dixie is the best! She's just 5 pounds of love!
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