Duchess is a Lab/Pit mix. She weighs about 50 lbs and is 9 months old. She is a very smart and loving puppy. She keeps us on our toes.


Placed 35th

in their group

Thank you for supporting Duchess this year's competition. Your participation allows us to aid PAWS in their mission to help cats, dogs, and wild animals thrive in happy, healthy homes or in their natural habitats.

What is America's Favorite Pet?

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What's your dog’s favorite toy and/or go-to treat?

Her favorite toy is any toy that we can play tug of war with or fetch.

What is your favorite thing about your dog?

Very lovable and loving.. She is a big cuddlebug

Why should your dog be America’s Favorite?

She is an all around great dog. She is a beautiful color and she has beautiful eyes. She is also playful and curious. She loves everybody.