This is our beautiful Honey. She was rescued from an abusive home. Her name suits her as she is so sweet like honey. She loves being loved!
You decide who will be featured on the cover of Modern Dog and win $10,000
Honey loves her squeaky elephant. She loves to grab it from me and chew on it!!! Also she loves for me to toll it up and she will catch it in the air. Her favorite treats are vanilla wafers and beef jerky. She will do most anything for a treat. She is a chow hound.
My favorite thing about Honey is she is so very sweet. She loves to be loved and will cuddle with you anytime She is kind, gentle and always willing to please. She also loves her walks.
Honey should be America's favorite dog, because she is such good combination of what many dog owners would want in a dog. She is very kind and sweet, very obedient and smart, gets along with other pests and likes to be somewhat active, but not to active. She is sweet through and through like honey. Her name is Honey (Not Jenny as it says at the top)
Help Honey be the next America's Favorite Pet with a tax-deductible donation supporting in their mission to help sick, injured, and orphaned animals.