Meet Huckleberry.. I am a teacup yorkie. I weigh 2.7lb and I’m 4yrs old. .Huckleberry is very lovable, energetic, attentive, and is hand fed


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You decide who will be featured on the cover of Modern Dog and win $10,000

Voting for the TOP 15 ends January 23rd at 7PM PST

What is America's Favorite Pet?

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What's your dog’s favorite toy and/or go-to treat?

Huckleberry’s favorite toy is his chew chew bone. He’s loves his doughnut also and has slept with it ever since he was a baby. His favorite treat is Cheerios. It’s the only treat he gets because of his liver disease. I feed them to him one by one. It’s the cutest sound hearing him crunch, crunch, crunch on them. He also loves his red bouncy ball to be thrown for him and will bring it back to you.

What is your favorite thing about your dog?

My favorite thing about huckleberry is how attentive he is when you talk to him. It’s like he understands your every word and wants to know what you are saying.

Why should your dog be America’s Favorite?

I think Huckleberry should be Americas favorite pet because I personally think he’s the cutest dog I’ve ever laid eyes on. He has a big personality and is so sweet and lovable. He loves to cuddle and be close to you. He loves to dress up and has a huge wardrobe of his own. I have his sweaters handmade with his measurements because he is so tiny. He is so photogenic and the world should know! Please vote for Huckleberry 💙

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