

Luna is a sleepy diva who loves a good treat!

Currently 4th

in the Final 14

You decide who will be featured on the cover of Modern Cat and win $10,000

Voting for this year's America’s Favorite Pet ends March 13th at 7PM PDT

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What's your cat’s favorite toy and/or go-to treat?

My cat’s favorite toy is the laser pointer and the teaser wand and her favorite treat are the salmon flavored temptations.

What is your favorite thing about your cat?

I love everything about my cat! My absolute favorite thing has to be when she cuddles with me on the couch to watch tv.

Why should your cat be America’s Favorite?

My cat should be America’s favorite because she’s beautiful and unique. She has beautiful bright blue eyes, due to her being part Siamese. She also has the cutest pink pointy nose with a little mole near her left nostril. She’s truly the cutest kitty ever!

Vote for Luna to be America's Favorite Pet with a tax-deductible donation supporting in their mission to help sick, injured, and orphaned animals. Limited-time: donation votes are doubled until Sunday at 9PM PDT.

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