

Milo is a 7 month old Shih Tzu. Milo is a happy, energetic, funny puppy that has learned to sit, fetch, give kisses and give his toys.

Currently 4th

in the Final 14

You decide who will be featured on the cover of Modern Dog and win $10,000

Voting for this year's America’s Favorite Pet ends March 13th at 7PM PDT

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What's your dog’s favorite toy and/or go-to treat?

Milo loves any toy that makes a crinkle noise. Milo also thinks my feet are his chew toy.

What is your favorite thing about your dog?

From the first day I brought Milo home he has amazed me with how smart he is. I love it when he sticks his tongue out at me.

Why should your dog be America’s Favorite?

Milo was less than a pound at seven weeks when I brought him home. Within five days I had him at an emergency vets office due to him not eating and vomiting. After several hours the vet said his stomach was not developed enough for dry food and he needed to have baby food for a few weeks then wet dog food. Now at 7 months old and 8.8 lbs Milo is on dry dog food. Milo is a happy,loving,energetic, puppy that loves to be with me or playing with his toys. His favorite treat is Fruit Loops cereal.

Vote for Milo to be America's Favorite Pet with a tax-deductible donation supporting in their mission to help sick, injured, and orphaned animals. Limited-time: donation votes are doubled until Sunday at 9PM PDT.

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