This is my first poodle. Olive is the most energetic dog I've ever had and very loving and knows when I'm having a bad day.

Placed 24th

in their group

Thank you for supporting Olive in this year's competition. Your participation allows us to aid PAWS in their mission to help cats, dogs, and wild animals thrive in happy, healthy homes or in their natural habitats.


What's your dog’s favorite toy and/or go-to treat?

My dogs favorite toy is her frog and her to go treat are her biscuits with bone marrow broth

What is your favorite thing about your dog?

Her personality she just loves people

Why should your dog be America’s Favorite?

I feel my dog Olive should win because she has a wonderful temperarent and loves life and must of all she loves being around people. Her personality is the best thing about her💞