Rocky has made my life complete since the moment I first saw him! His craziness makes me laugh warms my heart every day. He is my love!

Placed 32nd

in their group

Thank you for supporting Rocky Top (a.k.a. Rocky) in this year's competition. Your participation allows us to aid PAWS in their mission to help cats, dogs, and wild animals thrive in happy, healthy homes or in their natural habitats.

What's your cat’s favorite toy and/or go-to treat?

Rocky’s favorite toy is just a simple hair tie! He loves to toss it in the air and chase it down the hall. When it gets stuck under a rug or the refrigerator, he will not stop until he has figured out a way to get it back! He also has a little plastic purple dinosaur that he does the same with!

What is your favorite thing about your cat?

Rocky is such a lover and cuddler! He sleeps in the crook of my legs at night, but by morning he is all but hugging my neck. At my first movement, he is nudging me with head bumps and kisses. With all the cats I’ve had, none have ver been this affectionate! And he is quite the gentleman While eating, if my other cat is finished, she will come to his bowl and begin to finish what may be left. He is quite patient and graciously steps aside.

Why should your cat be America’s Favorite?

I feel Rocket should be America’s Favorite because he absolutely changed my view of the orange and white breed! I have owned 11 cats during my life and I swore I would never have a male nor an Orange and white. But from the first moment I saw him, he melted my heart and has given me so much love! He came to me during one of the darkest times I’ve ever experienced and basically saved my life. Even though I rescued him, he rescued me right back. America would agree if they were to see him!