Very smart little girl. Answered ad on fb a year ago & brought her home. She was about 8 weeks old & started fetching toy mouse the next day
Thank you for supporting SOX in this year's competition. Your participation allows us to aid PAWS in their mission to help cats, dogs, and wild animals thrive in happy, healthy homes or in their natural habitats.
What is America's Favorite Pet?
Learn MoreSOX loves to play with the “Lights” and also fetch's her mouse on a stick. SOX’s eyes (pupils) become larger, meowing more insistent at the mention of “Where’s your mouse?” With just the word “Lights” SOX runs meowing and then reaches up towards the hallway cabinet where I keep the “Lights”! SOX meows at the Lights as though they are alive and wants them to follow her and meows when the Lights stop moving. (good upper arm exercise for me) SOX’s favorite treat is Lobster flavored Temptations.
SOX has a very mishchzevious nature, she figures out what is fun to play with and what to get into if her repeated requests for playing with the “Lights” or her “Mouse on a Stick” are ignored, such as pulling ornaments off of the Christmas tree., knocking items off of shelves etc. I often find her Mouse placed at my feet in the kitchen when I’m cooking, on my bed when I wake up as SOX never tires from fetching it each time it’s thrown. SOX loves playing with the “Lights” the best!!!
I feel that SOX should be America’s Favorite Cat because SOX is the most mischievous and the smartest cat that I have ever had the pleasure of sharing my home with. I love cats and at one time I’ve had as many as six cats and no less than two cats through the years.